Stairwell Signs
There have been several recent changes to the 2012 Life Safety Code that will add to the responsibilities of facility managers in maintaining LSC compliance.
One specific requirement is the change to stairwell identification signs for buildings over 3 stories.
According to the updated Life Safety Code* and NFPA standards, all stairwell signs will need the following:

• Illumination that meets ASTM E2072/E2073**
• Minimum size of 12” x 18”
• Tactile letters***
• Non-glare
• EXIT discharge directions.
• Braille***
These new changes will render current stairwell signs noncompliant,
and there will be no grandfathering of existing signs.
HIGHTECH GLOW is your one-stop shop for the new
2010 Life Safety Code compliant Stairwell signs. Additionally
ask us about our wide range of other NFPA compliant non-electric,
self-illumination safety and way-finding signage that never needs
batteries, electricity, maintenance or testing.
HIGHTECH GLOW uses an Advanced Photoluminescent Technology.®
visit www.HTGLOW.com
call (513) 600-0599
*As per IBC Section 1023.9.1 | ** IBC Section 1025.4 | ***ICCA 117.1 (ADA requirement)